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We like to keep track of how we are performing, so we invite comments and suggestions from people who use our services. Here are some of the comments we have received:

"Our son's school are now better prepared to provide the support he needs at school following Emmie's very thorough report of his difficulties. He feels more confident now and is beginning to enjoy learning. Thank you Emmie.'

Mrs B

                  *  *  *

"My son has made significant improvement in his spelling, reading and writing since working with Emmie. She provides a wealth of resources and her immeasurable knowledge and experience has created such a supportive environment for learning. My son has much more confidence in the classroom now. Emmie's support is highly recommended."

(English GCSE)

Mrs B

"My daughter's confidence has improved immensely. She is now keen and enjoys literacy and has made great progress with spelling. She has a greater understanding of her difficulties and loves to use the strategies Emmie has taught her. My daughter is very proud of her achievements and recognises how much better her school life is now she is getting the right support from Emmie and has someone who understands her difficulties. Every child should have an Emmie!"

(English KS2 & KS3)

Mrs F

"Emmie is a miracle worker. My daughter's confidence and achievements have gone from strength to strength, due to the work she does with Emmie.  My daughter enjoys the lessons and is fond of Emmie and her kind and patient nature."


(English support)


Mrs W


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"Feedback is consistent; at the end of each lesson a discussion has been held and information given on what was done in that lesson, progress and direction.

Enjoyment can only be judged by the children's reactions and in my son and daughter's case, it shows in the way they start their homework straight away and often want to carry on with the lesson - even when it is over!

Progress has definitely been made and improvements just starting to show.

Overall, I feel totally confident in the judgements that are made, the work that is being done and the atmosphere that it is done in."


(English and mathematics support)


Mrs M


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"My child feels much more confident when tackling writing assignments. Her understanding of basic spelling rules has improved."


(English support)

Mrs V

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"Since my daughter has been seeing Emmie she has gained a much better understanding of maths.  I feel that having one-to-one sessions, where everything was broken down for her and explained step by step, has really helped her to grow in confidence. Thank you."


(Mathematics support)


Mrs M


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"I can see a great improvement in my son's overall understanding of literacy - Emmie has given him so much confidence. We are especially pleased with the work she has done with his writing. He thoroughly enjoyed the sessions."


(English support) 

Mrs M

"My daughter has learnt so much with Emmie, her tutor. She is far more confident with her reading and really enjoys her homework assignments each week.  Emmie is patient with both of my children; I am so pleased that she is teaching and supporting them."


(English and mathematics support)


Mrs C


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"Very helpful feedback after lessons and homework well explained. Objective sheet, recording progress is very helpful. Emmie is very friendly, positive and encouraging yet always professional in dealings with both children and parents. Excellent value for money! Even after a short time, my son's confidence is growing in his maths ability.  He is therefore enjoying his school maths lessons more too!"


(Mathematics support)


Mrs V


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"My daughter has now a wider understanding of maths and greater confidence in all subjects; she is now more enthusiastic with school and home life.  I feel she has learnt new skills which help her to have a better understanding and help her to cope with life's lessons. Many thanks."


(Mathematics support)


Mrs L


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"Since having tutoring my son has improved across all subject areas and is no longer struggling at school.  His confidence with literacy has meant his behaviour is better too! The way Emmie teaches enables him to understand tasks and what is expected, much quicker now."


(English support)


Mrs M


*  *  *

"Emmie has worked miracles with my youngest daughter. We knew she had potential but it never seemed to surface.  In the short time she worked with Emmie, she discovered strategies in maths and developed confidence with her literacy. Thanks - continue what you are doing!"


(Literacy and mathematics support)


Mrs W


"I have had extremely positive reports from both of my son's teachers (following work with Emmie). They have informed me that the quality of his written work has improved; the improvements are weekly; he requires less one-to-one support; contributes valid and relevant points in class discussions and recently gave a confident PowerPoint delivery! He enjoys the sessions immensely and loves the variety of tasks set - please continue!"


(English and maths support)


Mrs P


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" Since coming to Emmie, my daughter's maths and literacy have come on considerably. She shows greater confidence in her school work - and loves the fact that in maths she now needs very little extra support from her teacher/assistant.  Overall, her main difficulty has been speech - and anyone who knows my daughter is commenting on how clearly she is now speaking - and remarking on her newfound confidence.  We are a much happier family. Thank you Emmie!"

(English and mathematics support)
Mrs J
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"Despite learning 'sums' at school, prior to his sessions with Emmie, my son really did not understand numbers at all.  He is now starting to use numbers and see how they connect with everyday topics, in a logical manner."


(Mathematics support)


Mrs K


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"My daughter looks forward to her weekly meetings with Emmie, whose consistent praise and support have helped to build her confidence in maths, English and herself too!  I really notice that she is now using strategies she has been taught, particularly with her spelling and writing. Gone are the tears and frustration at homework time. She really is a much happier child who is progressing wonderfully. Thank you so much!"


(English and mathematics)


Mrs M


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